I did many appeals for Oxfam but this one I think has the most impact. I was given case studies of Yemini girls, some as young as 11, who were forced into marriages. If a girl refused she might be murdered by her family or banished from her home. If she ran way she could face brutality on the streets and face sexual exploitation. If she agreed she would wed a man 5 times her age. Every grim ‘choice’ a girl faces leads further into a web of exploitation and danger. The ‘Choices’ appeal contains a booklet which asks the reader to make a decision at the end of each section and then turn to the relevant numbered paragraph to continue. There are numerous paths the reader can take through the booklet allowing them to discover the perils the girl faces for themselves. By making the reader choose which direction to go in the appeal achieves a closer engagement than by simply explaining the complex issues. There is hope though, the reader can find their way to an Oxfam outreach worker and reach a place of safety.