When the Long Players attempted to recreate Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band it was not only a musical challenge but also a massive graphic design mission. When recreating album covers for the Long Players I have a rule that every element has to be recreated. I also try to make sure there is a local, Malmesbury twist. The front row was photographed in small groups in the studio (check the handsome fella in blue). We asked the rest of the band and our Facebook friends to submit images of themselves dressed as the other characters. All these shots, along with various objects and flora, were combined in Photoshop. There are hundreds of layers and I managed to exceed the file size limit for a Photoshop document (2 GB). It took over 4 days and, at times, I wished we were doing the White Album. I’m very pleased with the result however and now if anyone asks “Can you use Photoshop?” I can simply point to this.